Try IBM Connections and Verse for 60 days free!
Tags :ibmverse verse cloud connections
IBM has made a 60 day free trial for IBM Connections and IBM Verse on the IBM Connections Cloud S1 to new customers. No credit card required.
The 60 day free trial starts when you get your confirmation link in email. There is also a quick start guide available to get everyone started. The trial includes the following:
This 60-day trial will allow your customers to add up to 25 different users to their account, with unlimited Meetings, Chat, and IBM Connections Social capabilities. And now with IBM Verse, customers can try the most powerful business email hosting solution in the market, with access from a laptop or desktop browser or from a mobile device.
Business Partners pointing customers to this offer should obtain a unique trial URL (PartnerWorld login needed for this link) so you get credit for the referral
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On Monday, January 4th, 2016 by Chris Miller