
 IBM Connections 5.0 Workshop - FREE

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IBM is offering a free IBM Connections 5 instance on SoftLayer and workshop materials as a lab environment for business partners. You can request to provision a server or use the lab materials on your own server.

IBM Connections logo

The materials were written using an IBM Connections 5.0 device on SoftLayer but they also outline it so your own Linux based system could be used.
In the IBM Connections 5.0 Workshop, you will learn about the new and existing capabilities of IBM Connections and IBM Connections Mobile.  You will learn how to implement external collaboration in your environments and gain an understanding of both the internal and external user experiences in these deployments.  If you are an administrator or a developer, you will also learn about the following topics:  UI Customization, Mobile UI Customization, iWidget Development for Profiles, and Activity Streams Integration using the Social Business Toolkit SDK.

Access the Greenhouse Workshops to register and get materials right here.