
Thoughts so far on Admin2004 Paris

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First of all, the group of attendees came with some good questions.  Not many are still running older versions but I am seeing a lot of legacy architecture designs for their Domino infrastructures that need to be refreshed and reviewed since they upgraded to Domino 6.

Which brings me to my quick point and thought.  How many of you are being very rigorous about your upgrade schedule to keep up with the most recent versions and patches (ie: running something in the 6.5.x codestream already) but have not gone back and revisited mail flow topology and even considered network compression to help speed things up and free bandwidth?  Not many I imagine.  After listening and having some side conversations, it might be time for everyone to sit down and do this.  Mainly if you have taken over a previous environment that "just works".  Just because mail flows does not mean it is the most efficient or best solution.