ILWWCM installation completed and my thoughts
I started talking about the IBM Lotus Workplace
Web Content Management 2 installation last
week. At that point
in time I was incredibly frustrated also since the Citrix servers we were
using for the installations decided to go AWOL on me. Later on Thursday
evening it was back and I was back to work.
After a brief walk, much "shoot the monster' on the PS2, my head was
clearer and I could get back to working with the configuration files. I
don't much like the effort of having to go into text editor for .properties
and .cfg files to place absolute paths. There was even a large environment
variable that had to be manually entered into the Windows system. That
to me just seems wrong that the install package doesn't account for that
yet. Troubleshooting a typographic error there could take some time.
Troubleshooting ones in the text editor is much simpler.
So, getting back to the story. You have to place the path where you
place ILWWCM files, the node information for Websphere in some places,
the host name (for gosh sakes) and definitely the port information over
and over. I would think it should come with the host name (pulled
from what you type in during install) and append the port. Then there
could be specific instructions on how to modify it outside of the standard
if you so desire. I did a lot of Find-Replace commands with Wordpad
as I went through the instructions.
There are also lines that you comment and uncomment with the # sign, but
that is not so unusual and did not concern me as much since this is not
a GUI type managed configuration.
But once installed, the management screen was consistent throughout the
steps I went through on customization. Some of the menu items were
not easy to grasp at first why you only saw certain documents, but flipping
around I could find what I wanted.
More later, phone........
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On Monday, November 8th, 2004 by Chris Miller