I learned about this long ago while in talks with Sybari...
Tags :Announcement
BLOGGER'S NOTE: Feel free to jump straight
to the rant at the bottom if you are familiar with this into.....
Unfortunately we were under some goofy
NDA stuff, but we met with Sybari while looking as ASP modes for anti-virus/spam
software for Domino. Besides the fact that they couldn't answer about 20
questions or so at the meeting in terms of functionality (even with a tech
person there at the meeting from Sybari), the statement about dropping
OS support got them eliminated. From this
site comes the following text
which prompted me to finally write on this:
This morning my MS
rep emailed a snippet of the press release: Microsoft Completes Acquisition
of Enterprise Security Provider Sybari Software. I used to be fairly pleased
with Sybari Antigen for Lotus Domino/Notes, so I started worrying when
MS bought them back in February. Well, fear no more: they've already announced
that their dropping the Linux and UNIX versions of Sybari products. Expect
the remaining Windows-platform products for Lotus' email server (that is,
Microsoft's biggest competitor to Exchange/Outlook) to "fall like
dominoes" soon enough...
If you are unsure why they would drop certain
OS support, then reminding you they were bought by Microsoft back in February
or so would answer it right out. Microsoft buys Sybari, drops any
platform but Windows and renames the Domino version. Now they will
continue to support those under maintenance, but do not look to renew it
again with them.
So soon we saw Microsoft buying
Frontbridge for some more further
frontline coverage to Exchange.
< rant >Basically
what I am seeing is a very insecure platform (Exchange) that needs a lot
of protection that Microsoft could not integrate on their own. Ideas
of ECL's and authorized controls to access local files, java and javascript
eluded them. Lotus went from simple local controls with goofy buttons
to push out to elaborate policies allowing you to change admin ECL's on
the fly.
Now let's look at the flipside of this.
Lotus has been slowing building anti-spam features in as any good
email should. But one would think buying someone like KSpam or SpamJam
would make perfect sense to toss them in as templates and say,
"Hey Microsoft!
Not only do we secure the desktops already and don't have that pesky
virus trouble inside of our mail program, we now built in spam technologies
that runs on any platform you install Domino. You want frontline
SMTP Domino servers on AS/400? Partitions on ZSeries? We got
ya. Want to run some Windows for Sametime and then all mail on the
AS/400? We got ya. Mix and match, toss a Mac client in there.
But anyway you look at it, we have DNS whitelisting, blacklisting, spam
controls, reverse lookups, allowed domains..too many to type for this little
text block."
So get at it
IBM/Lotus, buy a little someone and integrate it. Or develop your
own, it is does all the time to mirror what partners make. It has
been that way for a long time, no shock value there. Just a need
to have an all-in-one package that kicks even more ass on the mail front.
And yes, keep those little silly circles in the Domino 7 template,
I personally don't get them even after a year, but you made my VP smile
and that is all that matters.<
/rant >
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On Friday, September 16th, 2005 by Chris Miller