IBM Connect Sessions & Lotusphere slides

1480A - Win, Win, Win: Changing Attitudes, Adopting Social and Going Green - A Customer Solution (2016)

Graham Acres and Delores Beier  February 2 2016 08:00:00 AM
Adopting Social remains a challenge for many organizations, but how do you change the attitudes of some people, including senior executives who have their minds made up in advance? Many agree the best way is to focus on business solutions rather than lists of features. This session presents what happened when “the old way of doing things” met some new thinking in an organization working to increase the use of IBM Connections. Take a corporate strategy process, add Connections and some iPads, focus on the business solution, save some paper and open some eyes to the possibilities. Those senior executives are now happy Connections users. We will explain the need and the solution and give you the steps to do the same thing in your organization.

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