
What’s new in IBM Connections 5.0

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Here is Whats New in IBM Connections 5.0 that IBM recently released: A nice list of features have been added. Here are some highlights

IBM Connections logo

Installation and Configuration
  • New Cognos® installation verification tool and simplified installation and configuration
  • Simplified post-installation tasks for IBM Connections Content Manager for Libraries
  • New system requirements and support

IBM Connections Mobile app

The administrator can enable File Sync and Push Notifications.

Downloading executables for components

You can download executables such as Polls and Surveys in Communities, the Ephox editor, and IBM File Viewer from Passport Advantage®


IBM Connections (common):

  • The New (or Next Generation) theme that was introduced as an optional customization in 4.5 CR 1 is now the default theme in 5.0.
  • You can disable @mentions throughout the product.
  • External users are supported in version 5.0

  • In version 5.0 when a user deletes a community, it is not deleted permanently, rather it is moved to a trash area. Provided it is not purged from trash, the community can be restored.

  • Enable Sync for files in the Files application so that users can so work offline with files in the Sync folder and keep them synchronized when others are collaborating on them.
  • The Thumbnail view is a gallery of images that represent files. The thumbnail shows the file's status (private, community, or shared externally), sync status, and whether version conflicts might exist. Hovering over a thumbnail image opens its reverse side where file details appear and actions to download and preview are available.
  • File Preview becomes available when you click anywhere on the back of the thumbnail to get an advance viewing of the file

There is a few more odds and ends inside the new Knowledge Center for What's New in IBM Connections 5