
What to expect in IBM Connections Next

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Today a live Q&A was held on what to expect in IBM Connections Next from IBM and SocialBizUg. This event was definitely not what was expected. Here is why.

What to expect in IBM Connections Next

The consensus from many people across chats, forums and the web was that this would be a webcast format with maybe some slides and live Q&A with two of the top IBM names. Instead it was difficult to find where to go and then harder to understand what was going on. It was just a forum that the two IBM staff happened to be in at that time. And it was incredibly difficult to find from the announcement page.

The Register Now link only had you log in and threw you into some weird page. You were to register, post some early questions (presumably so they had seeded ones for the live webcast type event) and then join the time set. Nevermind that the registraiton survey was done in SurveyMonkey instead of the same Domino server where your current registration sits. You were then sent a bitly link which landed you as shown below
  • register for forum

So I logged in and thought no one had posted a single thing in here since I was greeted with this.
Black forum

I happened to notice the tags on the left. Selecting one of those gave me some posts under that tag and then some breadcrumbs appeared at the top sending me into the forum itself.
Image:What to expect in IBM Connections Next

What we ended with was a web view that refreshed moving posts around, no unread marks and no way to follow what was going on. I was personally expecting a webcast format with two experts and a lively sidebar discussion as well as taking live questions from participants. Maybe even a couple slides in the mix.

Maybe it is just me. With the product coming this quarter (per one thread in this forum) I was hoping for much more public information and a lively discussion. Not 50 posts (two are announcements at the time of this writing) that were all over the board and really none just listed all the cool new stuff.