
Try delegating a meeting back to the chairperson in Lotus Notes

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For fun I was attempting to get out of a meeting via IBM Lotus Notes by delegating it back to the chairperson.  The following error popped up which led to some questions I have.

Lotus Notes error delegating meeting invitation

While slightly accurate, it really does not simple say that the user you are attempting to delegate to is the chairperson.  You also get this notice for anyone that is on the invite list.

But what if I really wanted to delegate my attendance and information to someone already attending? This is not possible in any form. This leads me to think of how meetings and information needed for them maybe shared among team members wanting to send it with someone else already coming.

I would hope for an alert that says "This person you are attempting to delegate to is already attending, Are you sure?"  Then it would notify taht user of the delegation to send the information.

Does that make sense to anyone else?