NotesIn9 - the screencasts on XPages you should be watching
Tags :XPages NotesIn9
With all of the talk around XPages this and Xpages that, every developer should be subscribed to Notes In 9 from David Leedy. With over 34 episodes already completed, you can jump-start your understanding of what XPages has to offer and how to use all sorts of little control thingys I have no clue about.
You can find Notes In 9 the following ways:
- the blog site
- on iTunes
- on SpikedStudio
- on YouTube
Spiked Studio Productions is proud to have Notes In 9 as part of the network with other shows like IdoNotes, BlackBerry Today, TheSocialGeeks and TheSocialNetworker. You can also find Spiked Studio on Facebook and YouTube.
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On Wednesday, September 14th, 2011 by Chris Miller