
Normalizing xPages Web Development

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Want to know what Normalizing xPages Web Development is? Then register for ICON US 2016 virtual event taking place May 9-10th 2016 and see Shean McManus of PSC Group and Eric McCormick present this awesome session.

The XPages runtime is versatile and extends beyond just the components that come out of the box. While the core XPages/Domino platform has not changed materially since it’s initial release, the way this platform is being used certainly is evolving rapidly. Learn the best ways to optimize your application development by leveraging the latest and greatest frameworks, libraries, and tools that the web has to offer. Many modern tools can plug into your Domino and XPages applications in a consistent fashion with industry web development practices. Join us for some challenges to our preconceptions, options and alternatives, and a couple of fancy demos.

Seats are still open in registration for ICON US on May 9-10th 2016 online!!!
