Lotusphere / IBM Connect 2013 - BP102 Build Your Free Admin Toolkit
Tags :Lotusphere ls13 Toolkit IBM Connect

Welcome to the BP102 presentation material for Lotusphere / IBM Connect 2013 in Orlando, FL. This is the complete list (and always changing) of the tools presented. Come back to visit often as I plan on updating it as we go along.
Admin SmartIcon Code - the code for your toolbar to do many administrative commands without the admin client. Works on Mac and Linux clients too! By Chris Miller at Connectria, updates from Rudi Kneght
Add database from different servers to workspace - pick a server/list of servers and type a database name. If you you the workspace like a good admin and stack replicas it will show any that are not the same quickly! By Thomas Bahn at Assonos
Replication Utility - work with replicas in this awesome tool set. By Steve Pitcher
The Amazing bonus Stats template - from Andy Pedisich at Technotics. More stats views and export views to help you build reports.
Creating Longer Self-certified SSL certificates - tired of the one year default SSL certificates when self-signing? This tip helps you extend that. By Thomas Bahn at Assonos
Run multiple IBM Lotus Notes versions simultaneously - need to test multiple versions and have no VM? This shows you how to make it hapen. By Thomas Bahn and Assonos
Start batch files via program documents - By Thomas Bahn at Assonos.
The little trick is to call CMD,exe with the /c parameter followed by the complete file name and path of the batch file (.bat or .cmd file). If the file name or path contains space characters, include it in double quotes.
Lotus custom searches for your Android - three custom searches from your handheld device. By Chris Miller and Chris Osborne at Connectria.
IBM All-in-one toolkit for agent based troubleshooting - tons of agent tools in one interface. Includes OOO, disable background agents and more.
This technote contains an all-in-one Admin Tool that consists of a collection of tools that IBM Support provides in various technotes and wiki articles.
Surely Template from OpenNTF (originally Rocky Oliver) -
As you know, Lotus Domino ships will a great collection of templates - everything from the Domino Directory template to the various mail templates and so on. The unfortunate side of this is that the various templates on every Domino server installed have the same replica IDs - this means that every Domino Directory template on every Domino server has the same replica ID by default.
Ytria Toolbar Lite - Database explorer, global properties, see document properties, see ACl in grid and more. I also want you to see the difference between Free (Lite) and Paid
Domino start/stop mega script - an amazing customizable start and stop script for Unix based Domino install. From Daniel Nashed
NoteMan.Editor ToolBar - See field values, print/forward/copy, see doc readers in one place, see sortable view of design elements and more. Note the extra features in the paid version too. From MartinScott
NotesPeek - from IBM
NotesPeek was written for technical Lotus Notes/Domino® administrators who want to see a more raw view of their Notes databases than the Lotus Notes® client provides. It presents the information in Notes databases as it is available through the Notes API.
Lotus Notes ReCon Sidebar Plugin - a Domino server console in your IBM Lotus Notes client sidebar installed via a plug-in. Select a server, send commands and see the results. From Julian Robichaux at SNAPPS/NSFTools
Fun Bonus- the Notes client facelift by BCC
You can use BCC_ClientGenie "Free Workspace Edition" to give your Notes Client a face lift: NEW backgrounds, NEW twisties, NEW database icons. Fill in the form below to get the installation package for free! You can start using it right away with the default theme included in the installation package (Lotus knows) or use any of the further themes provided by BCC.
Lotus Blogger and Technical Search Widget - select any text in any Notes document, right click and search the top blog and technical Domino related sites only. Quick access to information. By Chris Miller at Connectria
Group Explorer - limited time free from Panagenda
Gain control over your Lotus user group and ACL structures - the panagenda GroupExplorer also provides comprehensive visualization tools.
IBM Notes Diagnostic Utility - from IBM
Lotus Notes® Diagnostic is an unsupported utility that you can download and use to automatically perform repetitive tasks associated with analyzing files from a Lotus® Domino® server, Lotus Notes® client crash, hang, or performance issues.
Sametime Configuration Validator - from IBM
The Sametime Configuration Validator is a tool designed to load the entire configuration information for your Sametime environment, and validate the configuration. It examines configuration settings to verify consistency.
Sametime Buddylist Control - by Carl Tyler and Epilio
Buddylist Control is a Command Line Utility that allows IBM Lotus Sametime Administrators to:
- Pre-Populate a users buddylist with default groups or users
- Add Public Groups to a users buddylist
- Remove Public Groups from a users buddylist
- Add Private Groups to a users buddylist
- Remove Private Groups from a users buddylist
- Add a user to a users buddylist
- Remove a user from a users buddylist
- Export a users Sametime Storage Attributes
- Disconnect a remote Sametime User
Client LoginType Tester for IBM Sametime by Carl Tyler and Epilio
Sametime has Sametime.ini parameters to restrict which client versions can connect to the Sametime server, but without installing each client versions it is not easy for Sametime administrators to check the parameters are working, or that the parameters are set correctly.
This command line tool, allows a Sametime Administrator to connect to the Sametime server as a specific Client Type, and reports if the login was a success of failure.
Sametime Community Icons - by Chris Miller of Connectria
If you are connecting to multiple Sametime communities, this app allows you to designate specific community icons from a pallet to identify where users are chatting from
Softerra LDAP Browser
Softerra LDAP Browser is a lightweight version of Softerra LDAP Administrator. It supports read-only operations that do not modify LDAP directory data, e.g. browsing, search, export, etc
MarvelClient Analyze Module - by Panagenda
MarvelClient Analyze Module Essential for everyday Notes client management and special projects such as upgrades, consolidations and audits! panagenda's MarvelClient Analyze allows you to gain transparency across your entire Lotus Notes client deployment. Find out where Lotus Notes is installed, who has which local replicas, connectionand location documents and who is running a multi-user Notes client.
Notes Client Error Code Changer - give meaning to erroneous Notes client error codes with this mapping database. A must have for yourself and users. From Paul Mooney
Mail ACL Changing Tool - Reset, change and modify mailfile ACLs simply. By the Mooney
Flippr for Quick Admin - Place and Memeber management for IBM Lotus Quickr. From SNAPPS
Nexpose Vulnerability Scanner - from Rapid7
Nexpose Community Edition is a free, single-user vulnerability scanner specifically designed for individual use and organizations with fewer than 30 people. Scans up to 32 IP's. Scans networks, databases and OS's
Utility to list signers of all agents in all databases - from Dennis van Remortel via pmooney blog
Mail Rules Analyzer - OpenNTF projectThe Mail Rules Analyzer allows Domino Administrators to scan all mail files on a server to identify mail rules in the users mail file which are configured to forward to external recipients. Your own internet domain names can be excluded so the report will only contain recipients outside of your local internet domain.
Domino allows to disable external forwarding, but this tool is supposed to scan mail files to find out which users have an existing forward configured in the mail rules.
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On Monday, January 28th, 2013 by Chris Miller