
IdoNotes Episode 104 - Social Business Jam walkthrough #ls11

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IBM launched the Social Business Jam today, in an attempt to get businesses and social media experts to participate for 72 hours in sharing ideas and brainstorming.  I did a screencast of my thoughts as I entered the jam.  I was hoping it was populated with some starters in advance.  But I found it to be quite empty and I was not sure what to do.

While a Help section was there, and I noted it, a splash with simple steps would have made more sense.

You have about 70 hours left to get involved at the IBM Social Business Jam

UPDATE: The Jam I was thinking of at the end of the video was the Innovation Jam in 2006 via their Collaboration Jams

During IBM's 2006 Innovation JamTM - the largest IBM online brainstorming session ever held - IBM brought together more than 150,000 people from 104 countries and 67 companies. As a result, 10 new IBM businesses were launched with seed investment totaling $100 million.