
IBM embraces training partners by outsourcing it to partners

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IBM Corporation sent en email titled Mark Register Breaking News: IBM selects 4 Global Training Providers to deliver client & Business Partner training. So in essence IBM training is now done by partners and not IBM.

IBM selects 4 glboal training partners

IBM is committed to helping clients realize the full value of technology through its proper implementation. Our new training model provides a strong foundation for our clients' success. We've carefully hand-selected four IBM Global Training Providers (GTPs) that will couple quality education content developed by the IBM brand teams with their expansive network and expertise of our IBM Business Partner community

The partners listed are:
  • Arrow Education
  • Global Knowledge
  • Avnet
  • LearnQuest
You will have to head to them to find their offered courses or another sub level partner of theirs that offers it. This looks like a pyramid diagram with the top level training four people, the next four training more partners and then the end consumer.  They even started a YouTube channel trying to explain why this is better and how it helps you, the end person getting certified.

So why do I care? As a Certified IBM Instructor in numerous areas, this means that I teach classes anywhere needed but now there is two layers taking a cut. You must align yourself with either a global training provider or a sub tier.  The four global providers don't seem to like the independent level as we do not bring enough business so I was pushed lower in the tree.  This means the sub takes a cut, the global partner they fall under takes a cut and then IBM for the materials.

This makes it hard for companies to receive fairly priced training from authorized materials.  We could write and create our own, but many want the authorized materials.

Does anyone have thoughts on this model?