IBM Champion 2017 nominations are open
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The IBM Champion Program is a community rewards program giving those that showcase IBM acknowledgement. Often, it is the business partners and customers that have larger voices than IBM themselves. You have until Nov 14 2016 to nominate for all IBM Champion areas.
The IBM Champion program recognizes innovative thought leaders in the technical community -- and rewards these contributors by amplifying their voice and increasing their sphere of influence. An IBM Champion is an IT professional, business leader, developer, or educator who influences and mentors others to help them make best use of IBM software, solutions, and services.
IBM Champions are not employees of IBM.
Gabriella Davis and Theo Heselmans were honored with Lifetime Champion awards in January of this year showing you the value that IBM sees in those that work so hard and donate so much of their time. The webcast they both participated in is online now and it a great resource for anyone wanting to become a champion, nominate a champion or see what the program is all about.
Do you know someone that is always sharing information, on Twitter or other social media answering questions (I include forums in this), presenting at user group events or just there via email when you need help? That is someone to nominate in any of the IBM Champion areas.
What is the IBM Champion program meant to me? I have been so so lucky to be part of the Social Business Champions since 2011 when it started. Personally, it is about organizing free events like ICON US, sharing information via the blog you are reading now, my Facebook network page where I share articles, LinkedIn, monthly newsletters (sign up at the right) and YouTube videos. Sometimes I use them as my own personal resource when I want to remember something important for even myself but know it likely has value to others as well.
I try hard to nominate many of my peers because that is a gentle bow to them thanking them for all the free hard work they have done sharing, getting on late phone calls, sending free code and more. Being an IBM Champion is about the sharing and the community more than the title.
There are a bunch of fields to fill out so do not be afraid to reach out to that person. Just asking them let;s them know they reached someone who thinks they are a Champion. Visit the IBM Champion site here including the nomination form.
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On Tuesday, October 18th, 2016 by Chris Miller