
Trying Lotus Greenhouse again (aka Lotus Connections for the masses)

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I got some heat for the comments I made on Connections in the Sys Admin newsletter for July that came out a few days ago.  I suggest you read my editor comments to get a feel for the topic.

  Well today I went into Lotus Greenhouse after receiving another invitation.  I already had an account but had not been in for months.  The Quickr and Sametime offerings is a nice touch but one thing stuck out in my eyes first.

Greenhouse is able to make Sametime work over port 1533 for everyone and Sametime 7.5.1 at that.
 We can't seem to make this happen for the Business Partner communication link that still runs 3.1 of Sametime and won't let me log in via the Sametime client for about 8 months now (or maybe more).  However, I can log into that server with the java interface (same username) or an alternate name with the Connect client successfully. Frustrating at best

So you have to know each user you wish to add to your Sametime buddylist as they have disabled browsing for any names (there is a way but most won't find it).  So adding people is slow and tedious.  Apparently you show online in your profile and then I am trying to see where else.  Stlinks popped up after a few minutes.  But they are not using a public SSL certificate so that may cause issues for some of you.  

Image:Trying Lotus Greenhouse again (aka Lotus Connections for the masses)

So then I poked around the forum, communities and the blogs.  I must admit people are generating some content but I was looking for the thing to "grab" me at some point.  But nothing quite drew me in right away.  Back to the drawing board