
Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes (GAMLN) - part 5

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The process of the Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes (GAMLN) also has steps to be completed on the Google side, as well as Domino.  Previously we had walked through the Domino beginnings.  Inside of your Google Apps control panel, a simple point and click allowed us to enable the ability to provision the users through the API.

In a previous posting (links below) I talked about the basic architecture, but overlooked the changes needed to the Domino Agent Manger in order for GAMLN to process larger files.  Marie Scott did a good job and posting comments around setting they have used to date, which I recommend reading.  However, the guide suggests to modify the maximum concurrent agents allowed and increasing the maximum execution times.

Another interesting request was that your Domino server have at least two files enabled.  Hopefully, you all do and understand the benefits of such.  FInally, the conversion of mail from Notes Rich Text to HTML needs to be set on the Server Configuration document for each mail and migration server.

History of postings on the Google Apps Migration for Lotus Notes (GAMLN) series: