
Free Android app for custom Lotus searches launched!

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Through the development skills of OzzyDeveloper, I am pleased to announce the launch of the free Lotus Custom Search application for Android.  OzzyDeveloper took the custom searches you find on the right side of my blog and moved them to a mobile web Android application.  We are happy to give you this application for free.  Look for more additions to the application!

What is included?

Lotus Custom Blogger Search -
The ability to search across over 300 Lotus related blogs, technical resource sites, whitepapers and more

Sametime search -
The ability to search across blogs and technical sites only related to Sametime

XPages Search -
The ability to search against only XPages blogs, technical resources and more for quick, filtered XPages information

You can find the application in the Android Marketplace on your phone and tablets. A YouTube video and screenshots show you more on the application information page.
Image:Free Android app for custom Lotus searches launched!