Beta testing ConsoleEZ from Ytria - review coming
Tags :Domino Ytria ConsoleEZ
Ytria had a beta for ConsoleEZ that is ending this weekend and I had not spent enough time testing it I am quite pleased with some of the features so far.
The above multiple server console window is just one view of what it is capable of. From there you can do even more
Interestingly, you can open multiple consoles on the same server and use filters to streamline what you see. For example on you could be user access while another has mail routing.
I will have a full review coming (and maybe an interview) in a screencast/podcast. Look for more on Ytria ConsoleEZ shortly.
Disclosure: Not a darn thing was provided by them outside of beta access. There are pieces I hope they change or improve too.
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On Friday, March 28th, 2014 by Chris Miller