
All-in-one Admin Tool for agent troubleshooting

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The All-in-one Admin Tool for agent based troubleshooting and problem solving has been around IBM since version 7. I first wrote about it back in July 2011 but that was removed when SocialBizUG was born and content migrated.  So you needed a refresher as we did having to use this very recently

All-in-one Admin Tool for agent based troubleshooting and problem solving

The tool is quite powerful and offers a wide array of troubleshooting abilities that have saved us some time. Here is a great list of what it offers
This is general to help analyze, workaround, or solve various issues related to mail databases.  This is a list of the following items this tool contains:

* "Out Of Office Diagnostic Tool"
* Tool to present a selectable list of profile documents for removal from a database
* Prohibit Design Element Diagnostic Tool which presents design elements that have the prohibit flag enabled with the option to remove the flag
* Fix Duplicate Folders tool to correct folders affected by issue recored in technote #1579690
* Create a LotusScript copy of a database primarily to be used for database corruption, updated to handle merging databases
* Mail database search tool that searches a directory or selected database for a particular string and results are output to the log with document links
* Log analysis tool that searches multiple text files for a given string and outputs to a text file
* Rebuild a mail database Inbox due to corruption or accidental removal of the documents from the folder
* Given a list of mail databases this will edit the ACL entry for the mail file owner to editor, designer, or manager
* If you suspect that you have duplicate templates on a server this will present you with a comprehensive list of duplicates
* Given a list of databases this tool will enable or disable all background agents in a database by editing the database property "Disable background agents for this database"
* Given a server name in your organization this tool will gather your specified mail database attributes and create a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file to be opened as a spreadsheet
* Visually inspect Mail Rule Documents versus orphaned Mail Rules in the calendar profile document and ability to remove orphaned rule from calendarprofile document
* Ability to remove a document given if you know the NoteID of the document
* DXL Tool to export a select document to XML format

There is a DLL file in the database you have to detach for the DXL work.
You can get the free download of the All-in-one Admin Tool for agent based troubleshooting and problem solving from the technote.
