
Since we have worked with the e-rate program, I found this article interesting

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I was reading this article on the changes applying to the e-rate program.   For those not familiar with the program

in 1997, as a corollary to the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the FCC implemented a revised universal service provision (USP) that essentially subsidizes Internet-related services to elementary and secondary schools and public libraries.  USAC has disseminated more than $11 billion in so-called "e-rate" funds since 1997.

So this means that the schools started getting money to fund Internet services.  However, this just came out.
On Aug. 16, the FCC notified the USAC that it was drastically tightening up accountability standards for e-rate funding. In particular, the FCC required the USAC to have the money in hand before promising it to schools - a 180-degree reversal of the way the USAC had been operating for the past six years, during which the USAC would promise funding based on estimated future contributions by telcos.

The USAC responded Aug. 19 by informing thousands of schools and libraries that it could no longer promise funding for fiscal year 2004, which started in July.