Domino 7 and Sametime integration changes
Tags :Domino 7
Reading the announcements on Domino 7 they
are talking about Sametime integration expansion. That is right,
expansion. The ability to start instant audio and video and even
screen sharing meetings. So that brings us right to a licensing question
for now. If they only support chat as a free service through the
integration, how will adding these features into the client affect what
you have to purchase? How can you disable that portion. I mean
it is even in the right click menus when logged in from the Notes client.
Very cool stuff, but we have some customers that are beginning to
read and ask. Now this might be answered out there somewhere already,
I just haven't read it yet. Maybe some updated information from Ed
or others will give insight.
But of course there are some cool things,
like that the chats have their own threads now and the buddy list can be
minimized to the task bar. I run it in transparency
mode, but some people like it
open all the time. There are also some new options preferences on
how a new IM alerts you.
I will update if I get an answer to this.
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On Tuesday, August 10th, 2004 by Chris Miller