
I like these proposed new features in Domino 7 beta 2

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Straight from the list of what should be appearing in the next release is some things I really like.

Number 1 is the ability for the Notes client to recall what windows you had open at the time of closing and then reopen those when relaunched.  I always hated trying to make bookmarks or a draft document with the link or other means.  This is a great time-saver when shutting down in a hurry and wanting those documents again later.  I am curious what will occur if it was a server based database and you have to go to Island or disconnected mode.  Will the tab show blank, or will the client give an error?

Number 2 on the list is the All Documents view enhancement to show what folder a document is actually in. What a time-saver.  Sure you search and find documents that you do not know what folder they are in, but then you are back to square 1.  With this enhancement I can then know for future reference where the heck my mind told me to put it that day.