Warning and request to these awesome Notes 8 sidebar app developers
Tags :Domino 8
I have seen some excellent sidebar applications for Notes 8 being generated recently, all with the developers starting their own update sites. Before I list them, here is the issue and warning:
I need you to create these in one of two ways:
1. as a downloadable feature in a zip file
2. or in a siteupdate database I can import.
One of the below sites I visited today gives specific instructions on how to change the client to allow remote site updates. Unfortunately, policies will revert and disable this for all the users. By providing me with one of the 2 options above, I can guarantee my users will get the plug-in and I can control distribution, security and resigning. I also do not allow them to go to outside update sites from those that I specifically list in my configurations. I really want them to use your apps, but it has to be controlled on this end. If you need help in building a site, let me know. I can easily assist.
Some cool ones:
- SideLog by Jeff Gilfelt - awesome tool for working with the Notes log files
- Formul8 also by Jeff - a developer tool to write formulas
- SecretAgent again by Jeff - see all the agents in a database
- TwitNotes by Mikkel - unfortunately I think it is broke for 8.5
Update: John Head in the comments mentions the widget. Unfortunately that is now a requirement for your site to work, Lotus broke plug-in control and I won't allow foreign widgets that pull sites either and no one else should. Good comment John.