
Giving Ed more ammo on his TechEd rants this week

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Reading a recent NetworkWorld magazine issue (May 3 2004) there is a product evaluation roundup.  What makes it is interest is they had to dedicate an entire product roundup (3 full pages and as an author/editor at E-Pro that is a lot of text for a subject) just to show you "When your Exchange server goes down" software for MS Exchange disaster-recovery wares.  So I have to go and buy a third party vendor software to know if my primary site was down to direct users to a hotsite somewhere?  Here is the quote that made me laugh the hardest

We tracked how many messages were lost during failover and clocked time to availability.

They also talk about 'replication' of data ad the ability to move all the Active Directory settings, DNS and registry entries across to the secondary site.  Are we serious here?  One product even changes the IP address in case DNS can't be changes or shouldn't be.  I won't even go into the steps necessary for recovery for one of the products.

All Lotus users shall hence rejoice by doing the clustering and failover dance twice annually.