
Domino 7 - New Calendar Purging

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Here is a nifty new feature for those that can't figure out how to clean their calendars.  Most users don't see it as taking up space with all the attachments and such in calendar entries.  Now, before you get to the image below, if you are like me you might just be using that calendar for historical information.  It is searchable, including attachments.

So why the heck would I want to purge out all those entries? How do I decide which ones?  How do I see what is in them first?  Do I go through them all first and then run this agent?  If that is the case then I can delete them while I am there.

Yes for general calendar users and for quota management it is a great idea.  But where do they put all that meeting info then?  We had one site that used to go back and see who attended meetings and get the meeting minutes.  Why?  Because Lotus gives you the space to put your own notes in meeting minutes!!!  I stopped using paper long ago.  I just enter everything into the meeting notes area and then it is searchable and can be made into project plans, to-do's, other meetings, etc etc.  Who needs stacks of paper you have to sort through.  Send it to me electronically.  And no my mailfile isn't even over 400MB, after 8 years.  I keep it nice and clean thanks before anyone makes some snide remark about how I must have a multi-GB mailfile.

So there you have it, my thoughts on why we should keep them.  But don't get me wrong, this is a greatly needed tool by many places, just not this one!

Image:Domino 7 - New Calendar Purging