
This SearchDomino story was passed on to me about User Groups

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You can read the full story right here.  It talks about the possible decline of User Groups in the Lotus community.  I have been a part of VALU for a couple years, mainly in the technology role as we host their server.  This server in turn hosts numerous user group Quickplace sites for groups across the country.  Well this past year Lotus/IBM decided not to fund VALU anymore directly.  Which means of course them funding the server they have here has become an issue for all the groups that relied on it for their presence on the web.

Overall Ruth summed it up quite nicely.  Groups are vanishing but it is nice to see some new ones pop up and others still doing well.  In St Louis I was an officer of the local user group mentioned in the article, but due to time constraints and other commitments, I moved to an attendee only.  The core people still show month to month, new ones dribble in.  Ed was a help in bringing in some far away people a few weeks ago for sure.

So share your experience, here or with the article.  I am curious how many of you attend or the other extreme of not having one in your area.