Microsoft’s new PBX to VOIP gateway
Tags :LCS< VOIP Sametime
While this was announced on the web a couple weeks ago I tried to do some digging to see just how Microsoft plans on implementing a gateway that will take PBX traffic into VOIP to enable Office Communications Server 2007 and Communicator make a stand against the IBM/3rd party integrators.
So far it leaves much to be desired in actual technical information. While the IBM and 3rd parties have not only marketing content but technical content in how this all works. Microsoft did align with Nortel to get some known name in the market behind them, but I know we lack the confidence to have a Microsoft piece of hardware sitting between us making calls or not.
To top it off, Microsoft has it's own version of SIP that they are basing this on. Even Trillian is writing a new plug-in labeled LCS and everyone else is SIP to make note of the differences. So if they are writing custom code around their own custom SIP, you will be knee deep in MS land with your phone if you take this route.
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On Friday, March 30th, 2007 by Chris Miller