
Podzinger, cool way to search podcasts by keywords

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I read about Podzinger in Network World and took a peek.  I tested it looking for Taking Notes from OpenNTF to see if they had done this yet.  Even though they didn't pop up, I was quite impressed the way you could click on any word after doing a search and the podcast you found would start from that exact point.  You could even watch it scroll through the podcast timeline looking for that point.  Stop and start was available, even links to the download the entire podcast or grab their RSS feeds.

Then I realized they are just starting out.  It uses a speech recognition software to "read" the podcast and then make searchable text on the site.  Quite amazing and hits on Lotus Notes yielded quite a few accurate results of people talking about Notes in their shop or elsewhere.

So if you podcast or think you might, get listed.  A great way to find content.