Domino 8 Beta 2 install..
Tags :notes8beta
I had some clean-up to do since apparently beta 2 will upgrade fine over 7.x and 6.5.x versions but not beta 1 installs. It kept running to about 80% and really wanted to find the .msi file for iTunes for some reason. Those silly things drive me nuts. I got around that eventually.
Well in the ReadMe file there is a section about uninstallation of the versions that cured my issue it seems. Some loose files left over in the C drive, a folder in the old installed program directory and 2 registry deletions and I was on my way. It launched fine, worked well (except the local NAB still) but crashed on the way closing. I will reboot now that install is done and see how we fare.i
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On Monday, March 19th, 2007 by Chris Miller