
I can hear you grunting

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This was totally cool.   I received it via email from a friend and this technology could solve lots of my early morning grunts at people.

NASA hears words not yet spoken

Wed Mar 17, 6:28 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - NASA (news - web sites) has developed a computer program that comes close to reading thoughts not yet spoken, by analyzing nerve commands to the throat.

Jorgensen's team found that sensors under the chin and one each side of the Adam's apple pick up the brain's commands to the speech organs, allowing the subauditory, or "silent speech" to be captured.

"What is analyzed is silent, or subauditory, speech, such as when a person silently reads or talks to himself," Jorgensen said.

"Biological signals arise when reading or speaking to oneself with or without actual lip or facial movement."

On early trials, the program could recognize with 92 percent accuracy six words and 10 numbers that the team repeated sub-vocally.

So we already have headsets for cell phones and look goofy, why not one around the neck for subliminal speech.  What are you afraid the person next to you would hear what you really think about them in the elevator?