Lotus steps up and offers ’Open Mic" conference calls and demos for DST changes
Tags :DST
If you were unaware of these I would get on them now. The calls let everyone ask any question about the DST and you get to hear all the oddities people have. One person today actually was removing the local cache.dsk for a few users that had a couple people that still couldn't see all times right and then and all was well. Lotus hadn't heard of that one yet. So bring your questions and get on the calls. I am not sure how they generated the list to notify people either. They have Scott Vrusho on the call as well as many others. Humorously my last blog entry popped up on the call. IBM is holding daily "Open Mic DST Calls". These calls are intended to
provide a forum for our customers to bring their questions, concerns etc..
around DST to us! Our goal is to provide them with the information they
need and to answer the questions that they have in order to ready their
systems and WPLC products for the DST changeover.
IBM has planned calls for Tuesday - Friday (March 6th - 9th) and March
12th from 12:00pm - 1:00pm Eastern.
Tuesday 3/6 -
Conference Access:
Toll free: 1-888-732-6202
Toll: 1-719-457-1017
Participant Passcode: 893498
Wednesday 3/7
Conference Access:
Toll free: 800 214 0745
Toll: +1 719 457 0700
Tie: 650-3309
Participant Passcode: 158121
Thursday 3/8
Conference Access:
Toll free: 1-888-373-5705
Toll: 1-719-457-3840
Tie: 650-3310
Participant Passcode: 547292
Friday 3/9
Conference Access:
Toll free: 1-866-237-3252
Toll: 1-719-457-1018
Tie: 650-2636
Participant Passcode: 163964
Also, the demo videos can be found here:
New Videos show sample scenario of applying DST change to Notes and Domino
New video instructions (screen capture with audio narration) have been provided. These videos demonstrate how a Notes calendar is impacted by the DST change and show one scenario of applying the necessary updates to allow for the new Daylight Saving Time definitions. The download link to the videos is embedded within the "C&S Agents" technote below.
Title: Agents for updating Calendaring and Scheduling entries and Resource Reservation entries for Daylight Saving Time (DST) 2007
URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=463&uid=swg21254639#Demo%20Videos
In addition, a video has been created to demonstrate how to use the Java Time Zone Update (JTZU) tool for updating DST information in your Java Runtime Environment(s). The JTZU video can be accessed via the following updated technote:
Title: Using the IBM Time Zone Update Utility for Java (JTZU) with Lotus software products
URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=463&uid=swg21249964
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On Tuesday, March 6th, 2007 by Chris Miller