
First time (I personally) have seen this on Amgr shutdown and restart

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Who has seen this before?  The ability to add AMgr executives while the other still runs?  Even after shutdown of Amgr.

tell amgr quit
Quit is pending on the Message Queue
02/17/2006 02:20:02 PM  AMgr: Some Executives are still active, shutdown continue ...
02/17/2006 02:20:03 PM  Agent Manager shutdown complete
02/17/2006 02:20:16 PM  Admin Process: Searching Administration Requests database

lo amgr
02/17/2006 02:20:46 PM  AMgr: Error adjusting number of Executive, Executive '1' is still stopping
02/17/2006 02:20:46 PM  AMgr: Only able to start '2' Executive(s); Agent Manager will continue running
02/17/2006 02:20:46 PM  Agent Manager started
02/17/2006 02:20:57 PM  AMgr: Executive '3' started
02/17/2006 02:20:57 PM  AMgr: Executive '2' started