Social networking company Five Across bought by Cisco
Tags :Lotus Connections Five Across Social Networking
When I read the release about Five Across I had to laugh some because it sounded about 70% like Lotus Connections written for Linux, FreeBSD or MacOS X. Data can even be stored independently so you can move around between operation systems. It had blogs, profiles, RSS syndication, podcasting, quoting and file uploading. But then it fell a little flat with the 5-star rating of people instead of pages they link or Dogear. Cisco is claiming it is not entering the space to compete with the public providers, but to have an enterprise solution that can bridge companies and customers.
So here is where I am headed. I wrote a small piece for my monthly newsletter that I am thinking about breaking into daily parts and talking about Lotus Connections in general. I am disappointed that Lotus took it down so soon after Lotusphere, one can make many assumptions why. It would have been nice to play with the technology some more. Also, I talked about while at Lotusphere. I have still not gotten any word from the right people at Lotus to start that up but stay tuned.