
Cloud Assurance from ThoughtsOnCloud blog

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What is Cloud Assurance?

As part of an IBM residency on cloud technologies I am authoring articles via the Thoughts On Cloud blog and wanted to point you over to read What is Cloud Assurance? It was my first posting on the site as I start to expand this blog more into cloud technologies that Connectria has done for so long.

Here is the summary from my posting:
The Summary

The controls inside of cloud assurance are built to help build stronger value in your business systems. Internal processes are followed to maintain service to your customers which includes employees, customers, suppliers and partners. Provider processes are followed to give support to tens if not thousands of customers. Without these two brought together the cloud experience will fail. It is up to you as the customer to request that information from your cloud provider.

Read the entire article titled What is Cloud Assurance and look for tons more Cloud content here as I merge in IdoCloud into the IdoNotes family.