Lotusphere attendance numbers thoughts..
Tags :Lotusphere
has hinted that the numbers are up from last year, which means up from
2004, up from 2003, etc etc back to the heydays of yesteryear. Those
of us that have been there since 2000 recall racing to the website, phone
and fax to register a slot and hope to get a close hotel room. There
was actually a shuttle route that took you across numerous hotels per color.
I always stayed at the Hilton as we were the second to last to pick
up and first to drop (not sure how that worked but it did each year). When
I say shuttle, there was like 7 hotels on our route and people walked even
further from some of those drop points. You got used to rooms being
overflowed and full for sessions. Dining tents had you walking to
Yacht & Beach and you still waited in line. The Sunday night
party made the sand disappear under so many feet. I could go on but
you get the idea. Oh wait, you actually got a gift at the
Sunday night party as you left. The Magic Lotus 8-ball still sits
in the corner of my office.
Let's hope that this upturn continues as
Domino sales increase and Lotusphere takes a more technical (and some marketing
for new stuff) approach with such things at the Bootcamp
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On Tuesday, January 17th, 2006 by Chris Miller