
The webcast was a success, but..

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I learned more about the new spam preventative initiatives than I thought was out there.  From SPF (Sender Policy Framework), to Domain Keys and even the very bizarre Caller-id from Microsoft.  All three of these have their issues with good intentions.  The biggest common problem is that none cover content.  All cover who connects and sends you mail, but not what they send.  Plus what if the sending domain server is not the actual mail domain, here we go with another list of issues. I talked in detail about each one of these.  I would go listen to the replay instead of me typing out everything.

With Domino 7 and whitelisting there are some improvements.  Private as well as DNS types for whitelists and blacklists.  But who manages these?  Will this be just another added layer to the mail administrator nightmare?  Forget trusted, suspect and all the other types coming with Lotus Workplace Messaging, there is still management involved.  We all know we need something that will remove the bad content and verify the sender in one package.  The new challenge/response type found in Angel Infinity's Gatekeeper is interesting, but relies heavily on the sender of the original email doing work.  Do we really want that effort placed on us when we email someone?  For example I email HP Support as I had to today since my laptop wouldn't boot (yes right before the presentation), should I then have to send another one verifying that I sent the original one?

Image:The webcast was a success, but..

I have more but I will save rant for later